In a bizarre turn of events, Ishir, a taxi driver in Bangalore, lands up with a 'Data Scientist' interview at a premier firm. Ishir, obviously clueless about the role, is offered the prestigious job due to an HR goof-up. Feeling like a fish out of water, Ishir meets Aarna in the office. However, Ishir is no ordinary taxi driver, and Aarna is no ordinary girl. Together, they ride a roller-coaster of artificial intelligence and natural emotions. All that remains to be seen - Can Ishir's human learning survive in the cosmos of machine learning? Can Ishir and Aarna's journey of regression help them deal with their past, to forecast a future together? About the Author: Suvadip Chakraborty grew up in Kolkata, dreaming of working for a cola company and getting endless free cola for the rest of his life. Instead, he began his "data-science" profession 14 years ago, long before the word was coined. Suvadip holds a Master's degree in economics from the Delhi School of Economics and currently works for a multinational bank as a Vice President of Analytics. Apart from work, ever since he came across the research that lazy people are likely to be smarter and more successful, he has perfected the art of doing nothing.
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