This is a list of the Alternate versions of Barbara Gordon appearing in stories published by DC Comics in which the comic book character has been placed in non-canon storylines taking place both in and outside of mainstream continuity. Various alterations of the Barbara Gordon character have appeared in storylines published in mainstream continuity titles. These variants often appear in stories which involve time travel, such as the crossover limited series Zero Hour: Crisis in Time, a follow-up story preceded by the 1985 limited seriesCrisis on Infinite Earths which altered mainstream continuity. Notable imprints of DC Comics such as Elseworlds and All Star DC Comics have also featured alternate versions of the character. The Elseworld's imprint has featured Barbra Gordon in starring roles such as the popular noir-style storyline Thrillkiller: Batgirl & Robin and the one-shot comic Elseworld's Finest: Supergirl & Batgirl. After DC Comics launched its All Star imprint in 2005, analternate Barbara Gordon was adapted into Frank Miller's All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder.