Crisis is a "normal" state in the course of capital; every cycle of accumulation based on productive expansion ends in a crisis of overproduction; the profits obtained do not find an outlet for profitable investments. The successful regime of accumulation in the period 1945-1970 showed its exhaustion in that decade; efforts were made to counteract the effects of the crisis by implementing neoliberalism and globalization, increasing the exploitation of the labor force, and increasing the rate of accumulation by dispossession. The crisis was attenuated, temporarily, until social explosions occurred due to the multiplication of inequalities and the marked social polarization; 1% of the world population owns 44% of the wealth, while 90% barely has 16% ( Credit Suisse, Global World Report , 2011 ) Capital, turned into a formidable destructive force, unleashed an ecological crisis that endangers life on the planet and the planet itself.