The Amagi class was a series of four battlecruisers planned for the Imperial Japanese Navy as part of the so-called Eight-eight fleet. The ships were to be named Amagi, Akagi, Atago, and Takao; the first three were named for mountains (Mount Amagi, Mount Akagi and Mount Atago), while the fourth was named for the town of Takao, Formosa (present- day Kaohsiung, Taiwan). The Amagi design was essentially an enlarged version of the Tosa-class battleship, but with a thinner armored belt and deck and a modified secondary battery arrangement. Limitations imposed by the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty prevented the class from being completed as designed. However, the treaty had a limited allowance for hulls already under construction to be converted into aircraft carriers. Amagi and Akagi were both intended for conversion, but an earthquake damaged the hull of Amagi so extensively that the ship was scrapped