Larry Beckett's poetry has been published in Zyzzyva, Field, Salamander, the anthology Portland Lights from Nine Lights Press, and his first book, Songs and Sonnets from Rainy Day Women Press, was favorably reviewed in the San Francisco Chronicle. Beat Poetry, a study of the San Francisco renaissance, was put out by Beatdom Books. Three book-length poems have been published, Paul Bunyan, by Smokestack Books, Wyatt Earp, by Alternating Current Press, and Amelia Earhart, by Finishing Line Press, with strong reviews in Zyzzyva. These texts were collected, with seven others, as an epic, American Cycle, published by Running Wild Press. The Book of Merlin, a translation of the sixth-century poet, is forthcoming from Livingston Press. His work has been commended by Jonah Raskin, Jack Hirschman, David Meltzer, Tom Clark, Ann Charters, Paul Wilner, David Young, and U.S. Poet Laureates William Meredith, W. S. Merwin and Charles Wright.