This work argues that private businesses use public schools as worker training sites, resulting in a devalued teaching force, students as uncritical consumers, and schools as economic markets. Boyles analyzes school-business partnerships, revealing false philanthropy and the ulterior motives behind fast-food reading campaigns and supermarket sales for schools promotions. This important book criticizes the practice of privatization itself, revealing it to be a conservative gambit to secure class differences, and not a simple extension of free market business influence into the public sector.
"Deron Boyles has written a powerful indictment of corporate culture and its influence on American public schooling. American Education and Corporations is informative, instructive, and important for anyone who is concerned about the fate of public education in this country. The book is especially crucial in helping us understand the threat that corporate culture and its advocates pose in undermining the democratic importance of schooling as a public good. It should be read by everyone concerned about the fate of public schools and what to do to prevent them from becoming simply an extension of the corporations." -- Henry A. Giroux, Waterbury Chair Professor, Penn State University