Secret sharing scheme for color image is a technique, where encryption (division) of the image is done using N number of shares and decryption is being done by taking all or K numbers of share among N numbers of share where K numbers of share is being taking by secretly by using some algorithm.In this book a new k-n secret sharing visual cryptography scheme for color image is proposed, where sharing of the image is done by using Random Number Generator or Random Sequence Generator. To increase the security level of the scheme, a variable length symmetric text key is used to obscure image-based secret information. Another image key based encryption scheme which is also proposed to make the encrypted version of the original image more secured. Here secret key ensures the security of the scheme and secret sharing is used to break the image into number of shares. To be fool the hacker, in the proposed method, the shares are enveloped within another image by Invisible Digital Enveloping done by LSB replacement technique.Lastly a combined approach is done on color image where both the secret sharing, key based encryption and digital enveloping are being used together.