At age fourteen Femi Akindele, an orphaned street-boy from the Makoko slum in Lagos decided to call himself Pastor Gabriel Joshua. Unqualified and self-taught and now in his mid-forties Gabriel has become a popular and highly acclaimed international speaker on African affairs, economics, terrorism, corruption, fraud and the widespread poverty and economic migration that results. But Gabriel soon discovers that popularity never guarantees solutions or support for change. Together with his loyal, boyhood friend Tunde Oyedepo who, aged thirteen, became Solomon, Gabriel's long ambition has been to create an alternative society funded by private donations and profits from their own company, Solomon Trading. But the area he has chosen for his economic experiment lies on the poverty-ridden but dangerous northern borders of Nigeria and, if he is to achieve anything and attract investment, it'll need defending from the ongoing terrorism that still plagues the area. With the US, UK and other Western powers still unwilling to help, Gabriel again decides to do it himself with a small, private army run by an ex British SAS soldier. An Honourable Fake is a mix of African & international politics, terrorism and corruption with a big cast of characters - US politicians, corrupt businessmen, fake pastors, Lagos gangs, terrorists, the head of the Nigerian State Security Service, a young girl, Halima, from northern Nigeria who escapes abduction and Mark Dobson from London-based international criminal investigators, Asher & Asher.
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