"An Unknown Lover" is a novel written by Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey, an English author known for her prolific output of romantic fiction in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The novel was published in 1904 and is set in the Victorian era, reflecting the societal norms and values of the time. The plot revolves around themes of love, secrecy, and identity. The central character is typically a young woman who finds herself entangled in a web of emotions and relationships. In "An Unknown Lover," the protagonist encounters a mysterious stranger who captures her heart, but his true identity remains concealed, adding an element of intrigue to the narrative. As the story unfolds, the protagonist navigates the complexities of her feelings while also contending with societal expectations and the constraints placed upon women in that era. Mrs. Vaizey's writing often explores the emotional and psychological depths of her characters, portraying their inner conflicts and desires with sensitivity and nuance. Throughout the novel, readers are drawn into a world of romance, suspense, and drama, as the protagonist grapples with the uncertainty surrounding her unknown lover and ultimately discovers the truth behind his mysterious identity. "An Unknown Lover" is a captivating tale that resonates with readers for its timeless exploration of love and self-discovery amidst the intricacies of Victorian society.