Annotaciq. Analiziruütsq matematicheskie osnowy procedury w chasti idei balansirowki (korrektirowki) matrichnoj informacii, kogda ozhidaemye okajmleniq (krajnie obschie kolichestwa) izwestny. Issleduütsq w osnownom ämpiricheskie podhody, w dal'nejshem poluchiwshie nazwanie metod RAS i ego modifikacii. Predlozheny puti preodoleniq suschestwennyh nedostatkow shiroko ispol'zuemoj procedury ¿RAS¿ (takzhe izwestnoj kak ¿bi-proportional¿ metod) dlq balansirowki matric. Preemstwennost' proishozhdeniq termina i drugie terminologicheskie nüansy obsuzhdaütsq w processe kriticheskogo analiza metod RAS i ego modifikacii. Abstract. Analyzes the mathematical foundations of a procedures in balancing ideas (corrections) of the information matrix when the expected collateral borders (last totals ) are known . Empirical approaches are mainly investigated known also as RAS method and its modifications. Proposed ways of overcoming significant disadvantages of the widely used procedure "RAS" (also known as "bi-proportional" method) for balancing matrices. The continuity of the origins of the term and other terminological nuances are discussed in the course of the critical analysis the RAS method and its modifications.