Landslide and slope failure, a specific category of geomorphological calamitous events endangering human life and property, are recurrent phenomenon and repeated withering risks in the Nepalese Himalaya. The study area incorporated in this thesis for slope analysis comprises of two slopes as: Landslide slope (ch.82+835 to ch.82+885 (from Dhulikhel)) stretches up to 50m and critical slope (ch.79+060 to ch.79+220 (from Dhulikhel)) stretches up to 160m. The objective of the study has been focused primarily in analyzing the mechanism and contributing to the reduction of risk posed to human life and economic values through mitigation measures because of landslides and slope instability.Fundamentally, the commencement of this research has been with field mapping, data collection and soil sample collection with the material properties being determined from laboratory and consequently verified by various literatures.