A basic, Accurate, exact strategy was produced for the concurrent estimation of the Epalrestat and Pregabalin in Tablet dose shape. Chromatogram was go through Std Kromasil 250 x 4.6 mm, 5m. Portable stage containing Buffer: Acetonitrile taken in the proportion 60:40 was pumped through section at a stream rate of 1 ml/min. Cradle utilized as a part of this technique was 0.1% OPA support. Temperature was kept up at 25°C. Advanced wavelength chose was 274.0 nm. Maintenance time of Epalrestat and Pregabalin were observed to be 2.520 min and 3.745 min. %RSD of the Epalrestat and Pregabalin were and observed to be 0.4% and 0.8% separately. %Recovery was acquired as 99.87% and 99.55% for Epalrestat and Pregabalin individually. LOD, LOQ esteems got from relapse conditions of Epalrestat and Pregabalin were 0.153, 0.464 and 0.376, 1.139 separately. Relapse condition of Epalrestat is y = 5471.4x+18850, and y = 4052.9x+4585.1 of Pregabalin. Maintenance times were diminished and run time wasdiminished, so the strategy created was straightforward and efficient that can be received in customary Quality control test in Industries.