This work presents the results of a research that had as its objective the analysis of expressions of the sacred, ethics and morals present in 05 Disney children's movies. In which we verified issues related to the sacred, religiosity, ethics and morality present in these films. The films analyzed were: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Brother Bear. The films were based on the following categories: sacred (sacred space, sacred elements and divinity); manifestation of the religious phenomenon (religion, religious manifestation and religious experience) and ethics/morality (virtue, deontology and utilitarianism). With the consummation of the research, we conclude that the films bring in their plots expressions of the sacred, religiosity and ethics/morality. We also consider that the films contribute to the personal formation of the child and can be used as didactic resources in Religious Education classes.