To survive, terrorist organizations have tomake new members. If the recruitment process isinterrupt and stopped, sooner or later the terroristorganization will die. Understanding why anindividual breaks his or her bonds with society andjoins a terrorist organization is a very complicatedissue.One of the difficulties is lack of data andfield studies. It is almost impossible forresearchers to do field studies on terroristorganizations.This book, however,is a verysignificant study because of the author's 13 yearsof field experience and the unique data presented init.This data was written inside terrorist cells,by members of those terrorist organizations, andthen obtained by the Police from those cells.Theauthor's extensive field experience and this datagive readers a deep understanding of the recruitmentprocess of terrorist organizations.Even though thedata are gathered from different terroristorganizations, both Marxist-Leninist revolutionaryand religiously motivated terrorist organizations,there are many similarities in the backgrounds ofmembers.Therefore, this book sheds light on theterrorist recruitment process and for future studies.