"Carmen Rodriguez writes from and about exile. Her work helps bring us back to ourselves". -- Margaret Randall "And a Body to Remember with brings to life the daily details of growing up in Chile in the hope-drunk era of the early 1970s. The dues the author has paid with her life take on flesh in her work, a fine contribution to that fractured mirror we call identity". -- Lake Sagaris In these resonant, deeply moving stories, Carmen Rodriguez explores place, language, and the intricacies of human experience, based on her life as a political exile in Canada, having escaped from Chile after the military coup of 1973, and prevented from returning there until 1987. As a storyteller, Rodriguez maps the emotional terrain of dual geographies -- caught between them, her protagonists seek redemption in the simple troths of love and dignity, whether amid the political turmoil of Chile, or the torment of estrangement in Canada.
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