"I want to mention a newly released book that I just came across, 'Animated Realism: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Animated Documentary Genre'. Written by Judith Kriger (Focal Press),this is the first book I know of on the subject. Kirger focuses on the work of 7 animated filmmakers who have created works in the documation genre: John Canemaker (The Moon and the Son), Paul Fierlinger (Drawn from Memory), Yoni Goodman (art director on Waltz with Bashir), Chris Landreth (Ryan), Bob Sabiston of Flat Black Films , Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre of MJSTP Films, and Dennis Tupicoff (Chainsaw). Kriger presents us with a short biography of each filmmaker, an overview of their oeuvre, brief interviews which uncover their source of inspiration, current (2012) projects, working processes, and funding and distribution strategies. The book is heavily illustrated with beautifully reproduced pre- and post-production stills, and successfully contributes to our deeper understanding of this burgeoning style of filmmaking."--Animation World Network