"Anne of Green Gables" follows the story of Anne Shirley, an orphan girl, mistakenly sent to live with siblings Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert on their farm, Green Gables. The Cuthberts live in the fictional town of Avonlea on Prince Edward Island, Canada, and seek to adopt a boy to help with farm chores. However, their expectations are overturned when Anne unexpectedly arrives at Green Gables instead. Despite initial reservations, they decide to keep her, as she acclimates to her new life on the farm. The novel explores Anne's friendships with her schoolmates, each playing a significant role in the growth and development of the young girl. As Anne grows older, she encounters various challenges and sorrows, including the heartbreaking loss of a loved one and betrayal by one of her classmates. However, her resilience and optimism shine through even in the darkest moments, as she learns about forgiveness and friendship. The rolling green hills, quaint villages, and stunning landscapes of Prince Edward Island provide the perfect backdrop for Anne to contemplate her past and envision her future.
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