The book at hand is a result of the EC funded project „Development and Implementation of an Anti-Discrimination-Training Programme for Judges and Prosecuters on the Basis of Human Rights Education“, carried out by the Eropean Training Centre for Human Rights in Graz, Austria, the Mirovni Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the Supreme Court of Slovenia, Via Iuris Slovakia, NEKI Hungary and the Irish Centre of Human Rights at the University of Galway, with support of the Austrian Ministry of Justice. The intention of this book is to provide a detailed overview on the access to justice in a broader sense for persons being objectively or feeling subjectively discriminated against by the judicial administration in the four countries Austria, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia. Special focus was given to the “readiness” of the administration of justice to provide full access to justice. The book offers: – A derivation of the national equal treatment laws from international human rights law and the EC directives on equal treatment; – An examination of the implementation of the EC directives into national law; – A description and analysis of the judicial training systems in the respective countries under consideration of the specific requirements of equal treatment within and through the judiciary; – An open catalogue of recommendations for the amendments of trainings and at the normative level. The editors and authors direct the analysis and the recommendations to representatives of political and legislative institutions, to representatives of the courts and authorities responsible for judicial training, to judges, prosecuters, practioners and experts working in the anti-discrimination field as well as to the scientific community.