The estimated number of PLWHA worldwide in 2007 (UNAIDS/WHO) was 33.2 million and of these, more than 68% are in Sub-Saharan Africa. Globally, over 5700 persons die from AIDS daily, due to inadequate access to treatment services. The objective of this book, in tandem with WHO s public health approach to anti-retroviral therapy is to promote safe, effective, quality and rational use of antiretroviral drugs. This book articulates standard regimens for use of antiretroviral therapy for adults and adolescents; women of child-bearing potential or who are pregnant;infants and children; eligibility criteria as well as standards for monitoring and managing patients.The contents include: when to start ART; ARV regimens to start with; reasons for changing ART;regimens to use when changed due to toxicity, pregnancy,co-morbidities or regimen failure.It addresses ART-relevant cross cutting issues:ARV drug resistance and adherence;Cotrimoxazole and Post-exposure prophylaxis. The book targets HIV doctors, clinical officers, nurses,laboratory staff,nutritionists,counsellors and other health workers providing care PLWHA primarily in resource-limited settings.