The 21st century has clearly shown that information provides unforeseen opportunities that enable multifaceted growth and development. Nobody can deny that the development of information technologies have profoundly altered not only the way we live and work but also our reading fundamentally altering and redefining outlook about information and it's modes of dissemination. It is increasingly felt that deploying the right technologies can go a long way in creating, nurturing human and social capital. Expanding knowledge has positive cascading effect by improving productivity, competitiveness, wealth and prosperity apart from improving the quality of services and their delivery systems.The libraries have become Knowledge Information centers. The user gets the information easily, exhaustively and pin pointedly. So, the building collection and providing services, improving access to information should be the guiding criteria for libraries in electronic era. With the use of ICT, the libraries are trying to provide the best services to the users. ICT is also used in various libraries housekeeping operations, at the information, retrieval and information dissemination .