This second volume of a two-volume series covers applications of the theory as well as experimental verifications. From tools to determine light travel times in curved space-time to laser ranging between earth and moon and between satellites, and impacts on the definition of time scales and clock comparison techniques, a variety of effects is discussed.
On the occasion of his 80-th birthday, these two volumes honor V. A. Brumberg – one of the pioneers in modern relativistic celestial mechanics.
Contributions include:
J. Simon, A. Fienga: Victor Brumberg and the French school of analytical celestial mechanics
T. Fukushima: Elliptic functions and elliptic integrals for celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy
P. Teyssandier: New tools for determining the light travel time in static, spherically symmetric spacetimes beyond the order G2
J. Müller, L. Biskupek, F. Hofmann and E. Mai: Lunar laser ranging and relativity
N. Wex: Testing relativistic celestial mechanics with radio pulsars
I. Ciufolini et al.: Dragging of inertial frames, fundamental physics, and satellite laser ranging
G. Petit, P. Wolf, P. Delva: Atomic time, clocks, and clock comparisons in relativistic spacetime: a review