Text-To-Speech technology has steadily grown over the years to support many languages by utilizing a number of useful methods and techniques. Despite its overall steady growth, Arabic TTS technology has gained little attention. Apart from a few commercial products, an Arabic TTS Synthesizer System has often failed to exceed laboratory boundaries. This dissertation examines the issues, requirements and methodologies involved in developing a useful Arabic TTS Synthesizer System. Additionally, this dissertation describes in details the construction of an Arabic TTS Synthesizer System using the Concatenation Synthesis method, which relies on prerecorded speech units that are utilized by the system to generate concatenated speech.Two types of speech units were used independently: The first consists of 375 diphones that cover Arabic sounds and the other has 178 allophones which cover Arabic sounds. The system consists of several programs and algorithms that are integrated in the form of modules to be easily modified and developed individually in the future. Lastly, the system still requires further research and developments.