Philologische Disziplinen elaborieren kulturelle Komplexitäten und Kontingenzen. Das institutionelle Paradigma, in dem sie operieren, wird demgegenüber zunehmend von Forschungspolitiken geprägt, die für dieses Vorhaben riskant sein können. Reflexion auf die intrinsischen Bedingungen philologischen Wissens zeigt, dass diese Disziplinen - wie Forschung überhaupt - unter reduktionistische Forschungspolitiken nicht subsummiert werden können. Der Autor fragt in diesem Heft, wie sich philologische Forschung und Gesellschaft überhaupt zueinander verhalten.
Philologies are disciplines that elaborate cultural complexities and contingencies. The institutional paradigm, in which it fits, however, is driven increasingly by research policies that may have an unsafe impact on such an endeavor. Investigating on the intrinsic conditions of philological knowledge shows that these disciplines - in as much as research at large - cannot be subsumed by reductionist research policies. It is time to wonder then, how philological research and society meet each other anyhow.
Philologies are disciplines that elaborate cultural complexities and contingencies. The institutional paradigm, in which it fits, however, is driven increasingly by research policies that may have an unsafe impact on such an endeavor. Investigating on the intrinsic conditions of philological knowledge shows that these disciplines - in as much as research at large - cannot be subsumed by reductionist research policies. It is time to wonder then, how philological research and society meet each other anyhow.