Frontmatter -- An appreciation of Irving Benjamin Rouse / GRIFFIN, JAMES B. -- PART ONE Prehistory: A discipline and modes of inquiry -- Some theoretical issues in the archaeological study of historical reality / CHANG, K. C. -- Artifact classes, association and seriation / SPAULDING, A. C. -- Archaeological potential of anthropological and scientific models of function / DUNNELL, ROBERT C. -- The churches on the Green: A cautionary tale / COE, MICHAEL D. -- Toward a formal account of Bantu ceramic manufacture / KRAUSE, RICHARD A. -- Contracts, bureaucrats and research: Some emerging problems of conservation archaeology in the United States / LIPE, WILLIAM D. -- A conceptual framework for the sociology of archaeology / SCHWARTZ, DOUGLAS W . -- PART TWO Prehistory: The content of the past -- Aboriginal human overkill of game populations: Examples from interior North Alaska / CAMPBELL, JOHN M. -- Technological change in northern Alaska / HALL, EDWIN S. Jr. -- Trade beads and sunken ships / QUIMBY, GEORGE I. -- An archaeological demonstration of migration on the northern Great Plains / BYRNE, WILLIAM J . -- The strategy of Iroquoian prehistory / TRIGGER, BRUCE G. -- The archaeological phase: Ethnographic fact or fancy? / BRAIN, JEFFREY P. -- Recent research in Venezuelan prehistory / WAGNER, ERIKA -- Provenience studies of majolica pottery: Type Ichtucknee Blue on Blue / CRUXENT, JOSÉ M. / VAZ, J . EDUARDO -- Biographical notes