This is the 1994 edition of the Asian Development Bank's annual survey of economic progress in its developing member countries in Asia and the Pacific. First published in 1989, the Outlook provides a comprehensive yet concise overview of recent economic developments and current issues. Economic trends and medium-term prospects for the region are discussed against a background of development in the world economy. Part I of the Asian Development Outlook 1994 provides an assessment of global economic trends and then traces recent growth experiences in the developing economies of Asia and the Pacific. Important aspects of regional macroeconomic performance and policy adjustments are reviewed, and growth prospects are evaluated. Part II contains detailed profiles of 32 developing Asian and Pacific nations plus analyses of recent economic performance. Topics examined include growth, savings and investment, employment, fiscal and monetary policies, and trade and the balance of payments. For each country, prospects in each of these areas for the next two years are discussed. Part III of each issue of the Outlook provides an in-depth analysis of a topical development issue. For 1994 the special topic is urban poverty issues and policies in Asia. The section first presents indicators of urban poverty trends in Asian countries. It then discusses the characteristics of the urban poor and explores the proximate and underlying causes of poverty. Finally, the chapter discusses strategies for poverty-reducing growth and sectoral interventions for poverty alleviation.
This book is the 1994 edition of the Asian Development Bank's annual survey of economic progress in its developing member countries in Asia and the Pacific. First published in 1989 the Outlook provides a comprehensive, yet concise review of recent economic developments and current issues. Economic trends and medium-term prospects for the region are discussed against a background of development in the world economy.
This book is the 1994 edition of the Asian Development Bank's annual survey of economic progress in its developing member countries in Asia and the Pacific. First published in 1989 the Outlook provides a comprehensive, yet concise review of recent economic developments and current issues. Economic trends and medium-term prospects for the region are discussed against a background of development in the world economy.