In Quebec, exposure to domestic violence is recognized as a form of psychological abuse that can compromise a child's safety and development. In situations of domestic violence, the safety of children is therefore an intervention priority. Thus, the problem and the research question are in line with the advancement of research and knowledge in the field of domestic violence. The main objective of this dissertation is to observe and describe, with the help of the notion of implicit sociology, the meaning that assessment/orientation (EO) service workers give to their practice with regard to the parenting of persons reported for exposure to domestic violence. We were interested in the opinion of the workers in order to explore the influence of the organizational context on their know-how and behaviour by putting forward the practice of parenting support at the EO in situations of exposure to domestic violence. We used a non-probability sample of eight practitioners working at the Direction de la protection de la jeunesse (DPJ) who have experience in the field of domestic violence.