The vibrations of one's name are part of his/her personality and are very important in the case of a political figure. The same applies to names of towns and states. Repeated planetary influences (including the 60 years period of the Chinese horoscope and the 18.5 years revolution period of the Lunar Nodes whose definitions are also recalled) stimulate periodical repetition of historical events. In the book many examples of such repetitions are given. The resemblances between names of generals having participated in the World Wars and the ones between names of enclaves and cities having had a special status are analysed. In terms of astrology we consider the aspects (such as conjunctions, oppositions, trines, squares), the favourable period of 30 days following one's anniversary and the unfavourable one of 50 days preceding it and their roles for the success or failure in the context of history. The examples considered in this book are taken mostly from modern history. The book is addressed mainly to people interested in history and/or astrology.