Deutschland hat seit einigen Jahren eine positive Integrationsbilanz. Im Selbstverständnis der deutschen Gesellschaft ist diese Erkenntnis allerdings noch nicht angekommen. Vielmehr bestimmt die Furcht vor einem Verlust der eigenen kulturellen Werte und Lebensformen nach wie vor die öffentliche Debatte. Die neue Zuwanderung von irregulären Migranten oder von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern aus Südosteuropa im Zusammenhang der sogenannten »Armutszuwanderung« scheint solche Befürchtungen zu befördern. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes - allesamt Ergebnisse von Vorträgen und Diskussionen, anlässlich des 19. und 20. Forum Migration der Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V. - zeichnen die Problemlagen auf und veranschaulichen Wege und Strategien, wie über Teilhabe Zusammengehörigkeit entstehen kann.
For several years now, Germany has boasted a positive integration record. In the self-conception of German society, however, this has yet to be acknowledged. Instead, the fear of losing one's own cultural values and ways of life continues to dictate the public debate. As part of what is called "poverty immigration", the recent influx of irregular migrants and citizens of South-East Europe seems to be promoting such fears. The articles in this volume - all of which derive from lectures and discussions that were held on the occasion of the 19th and 20th Migration Forum of the non-profit foundation "Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V." - expose the problem areas and illustrate ways and strategies through which participation can lead to togetherness.
For several years now, Germany has boasted a positive integration record. In the self-conception of German society, however, this has yet to be acknowledged. Instead, the fear of losing one's own cultural values and ways of life continues to dictate the public debate. As part of what is called "poverty immigration", the recent influx of irregular migrants and citizens of South-East Europe seems to be promoting such fears. The articles in this volume - all of which derive from lectures and discussions that were held on the occasion of the 19th and 20th Migration Forum of the non-profit foundation "Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V." - expose the problem areas and illustrate ways and strategies through which participation can lead to togetherness.