Discover The Truth of Aushchwitz! This book was written with the intention understanding the truth behind the atrocities of the death camps and not so much about what happened there. To really celebrate the heroism and true fabric of courage woven though the Jews encamped under the most horrific conditions and killed with such brutality and depravity, we must look at events with a different focus. Auschwitz was nothing like anything anyone in this generation could ever comprehend. We need to learn the symptoms of prejudice and hatred for fellow mankind, to make sure that it never happens again. You will learn about the following: * Reasons that the holocaust cannot fade * The effects of world war ii * The misconceptions about the holocaust * Operation collar * Operation caeser * Operation eiche * And so much more The prisoner-of-war camp were a key part of the Nazis' Last Resolution to the Jewish Question. An army barracks, into a prisoner-of-war camp when Germany launched The second world war by getting into Poland in the month of September. Learn more about the horrors and mass murder that happened in the infamous camp with the ironic, disgusting sign at the entrance that read, "Labor makes you free.