Authentication is an important security service.
Sometimes, key agreement is also included in the
authentication scheme. Until now, several
authentication protocols, and authentication and key
agreement protocols have been proposed. These
protocols range from complex public-key
cryptosystems to simple hash-based password
authentication schemes. Recently, preserving the
user anonymity during an authentication process has
gained a great deal of attention. In this
dissertation, we first provide an overview of
various authentication schemes and survey the
existing literature. We then present four new
authentication protocols: two of which are elliptic
curve cryptography-based authentication and key
agreement protocols; the third is a simple hash-
based password authentication protocol; and finally,
there is an RSA-based identification and key
agreement protocol. Compared to other protocols, our
protocols are not only secure and efficient, but
also preserve anonymity during the authentication
Sometimes, key agreement is also included in the
authentication scheme. Until now, several
authentication protocols, and authentication and key
agreement protocols have been proposed. These
protocols range from complex public-key
cryptosystems to simple hash-based password
authentication schemes. Recently, preserving the
user anonymity during an authentication process has
gained a great deal of attention. In this
dissertation, we first provide an overview of
various authentication schemes and survey the
existing literature. We then present four new
authentication protocols: two of which are elliptic
curve cryptography-based authentication and key
agreement protocols; the third is a simple hash-
based password authentication protocol; and finally,
there is an RSA-based identification and key
agreement protocol. Compared to other protocols, our
protocols are not only secure and efficient, but
also preserve anonymity during the authentication