This world brings falsity to power, while its salvation lies in authenticity, synonymous with modernity. How can we escape from this destructive paradox? Today, "L'authenticité à l'épreuve de la fausseté. Quand les faux-culs se taillent la part du lion", attempts to provide a rational and singular answer to this question. Perfection is certainly not a given, and neither is exemplarity, but is this a reason for those who play with fire to dispose, at their whim, of those who, with their faces uncovered, dare to point out the breaches of ethics and injustices associated with these unacceptable borderline behaviors? Of course, one case follows another, and it's up to the courts to shed light on them, but that's far from enough, especially as the results are not there, the crises are taking hold, with all their economic, social and human consequences, and the planet is under threat from climate change. Reversing the trend - putting falsehood to the test of authenticity - is ambitious, but essential. It's everyone's duty of honour, and everyone's duty too.