Avicenna war ein außerordentliches Genie, der sich nicht nur als Philosoph, Astronom, Mediziner, Physiker, Politiker, Dichter, Jurist und Mathematiker betätigte, sondern den erwähnten Disziplinen auch zu neuer Blüte verhalf. Durch seine systematische und umfassende Aufarbeitung der antiken Philosophie, seine geschickte Anwendung von neuen Terminologien und effektiven Arbeitsweisen sowie seine neuen Ansätze innerhalb der islamischen Denkströmungen stellt Avicenna einen Wendepunkt innerhalb der islamischen Philosophie und der allgemeinen Philosophiegeschichte dar. Alle intellektuellen Traditionen in der islamischen Welt, wozu neben der islamischen Philosophie ebenfalls die verschiedenen kalam-Schulen sowie die mystischen Strömungen zahlen, sollten bis in die frühe Moderne unter dem Einfluss seiner Werke und Ideen stehen.
Avicenna was an extraordinary genius. His legacy includes works in philosophy, astronomy, medicine, physics, politics, poetry, law, and mathematics on which he had a tremendous impact. His systematic and comprehensive works of ancient philosophy, his sophisticated application of new terminologies, his efficient methods as well as his new approaches within Islamic thinking define a turning point not only within the Islamic philosophy but in the total history of philosophy. All intellectual traditions in the Islamic world including the Islamic Philosophy, various Kalam-schools and other mystic movements were deeply influenced by this works and ideas.
Avicenna was an extraordinary genius. His legacy includes works in philosophy, astronomy, medicine, physics, politics, poetry, law, and mathematics on which he had a tremendous impact. His systematic and comprehensive works of ancient philosophy, his sophisticated application of new terminologies, his efficient methods as well as his new approaches within Islamic thinking define a turning point not only within the Islamic philosophy but in the total history of philosophy. All intellectual traditions in the Islamic world including the Islamic Philosophy, various Kalam-schools and other mystic movements were deeply influenced by this works and ideas.