Victor Daniels received his Ph.D. in Psychology from UCLA and taught for more than 40 years at Sonoma State University. He is the coauthor with Kooch Daniels of Matrix Meditations and other books. Kooch N. Daniels has a master’s degree in Psychology from Sonoma State University. The Daniels studied for more than two decades with spiritual teacher Harish Johari as well as with Sri Amritanandamayi. They live in Bodega, California. Pieter Weltevrede (1955–2024) was a painter recognized as the artistic protegé of tantric scholar and artist Harish Johari, his teacher for more than 20 years. The author and illustrator of several books, including How Ganesh Got His Elephant Head, he lived in the Netherlands.
How This Book Evolved And Grateful Acknowledgments to Those Who Helped It
1 An Inward Eye
2 Solving Your Personal Mysteries
3 The Polarity Principle
4 First or Muladhara Chakra
The Root Chakra
5 Second or Svadhisthana Chakra
The Passion Chakra
6 Third or Manipura Chakra
The Power Chakra
7 Fourth or Anahata Chakra
The Heart Chakra
8 Fifth or Vishuddha Chakra
The Throat Chakra
9 Sixth or Ajna Chakra
The Third Eye
10 Seventh or Sahasrara Chakra
The Crown Chakra or Thousand-Petaled Lotus
11 Removing Obstacles to Cosmic Consciousness
Untying the Three Granthis or Knots
12 What Next?