As products become increasingly similar, companies are turning to branding as a way to create a preference for their offerings. Branding has been the essential factor in the success of well-known consumer goods such as Coca Cola, McDonald's, Kodak, and Mercedes. Now it is time for more industrial companies to start using branding in a sophisticated way. Some industrial companies have led the way... Caterpillar, DuPont, Siemens, GE. But industrial companies must understand that branding goes far beyond building names for a set of offerings. Branding is about promising that the company's offering will create and deliver a certain level of performance. The promise behind the brand becomes the motivating force for all the activities of the company and its partners.
Our book is one of the first to probe deeply into the art and science of branding industrial products. We provide the concepts, the theory, and dozens of cases illustrating the successful branding of industrialgoods.
Our book is one of the first to probe deeply into the art and science of branding industrial products. We provide the concepts, the theory, and dozens of cases illustrating the successful branding of industrialgoods.
Aus den Rezensionen: "... Eine Marke schafft Identifikation und bietet Orientierung. ... In diesem Buch erläutern die beiden Experten, wie Unternehmen, die sich an gewerbliche Kunden richten, eine Marke aufbauen und etablieren. ... Die anderen Themen werden in ihren Grundzügen erläutert und durch zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele illustriert. Insbesondere zeigen die Autoren auf, welche Marketing-Instrumente geeignet sind, die Marke aufzubauen und zu pflegen. Sie beschreiben das methodische Vorgehen mit den zentralen Phasen der Planung, Analyse, Strategieformulierung, Umsetzung und Bewertung ..." [] "... Die Einführung bringt dem Leser schnell das zugrunde gelegte BtoB Markenverständnis näher. In den weiteren Kapiteln orientieren sich die Autoren an der logischen Reihenfolge von Fragestellungen, die für Unternehmen während des Markenprozesses interessant werden. ... Positiv hervorzuheben ist, dass der Leser, stets an Praxisbeispielen verdeutlicht, nützliche Hinweise zur Implementierung einer BtoB-Marke erhält und dass Markenführung im BtoB als holistischer Ansatz verstanden wird. Insgesamt ... bietet das Buch eine leicht lesbare und solide Zusammenfassung der grundlegenden Funktionsweise von BtoB-Marken." (Salima Douven, in: transfer Werbeforschung & Praxis, 2007, Issue 2, S. 66)
From the reviews:
"Just received my copy of B2B Brand Management - what a beautiful piece of work! Thank you for this advancement to our practice! (Ralph A. Oliva, Executive Director, Institute for the Study of Business Markets Professor of Marketing, Smeal College of Business, Penn State University)
"Proliferation of similar products, increasing complexity of customer needs (moving from stand-alone products to solutions), and high price pressures will force b2b marketers to focus on brand building. If you are a b2b marketer already thinking along those lines, then this book is the weightiest corroboration you could have asked for." (TMCnet, October 2006)
"When it comes to marketing, there is no name bigger than Phillip Kotler. ... In this book, co-authored with ... Professor Waldemar Pfoertsch, Kotler makes a case for brand management in business-to-business (b2b) marketing as well. ... The core proposition in the book is that in the new globalized world 'being known' rather than 'being one of many' is the need of the hour. ... How does branding help in overcoming ... challenges? The authors offer a huge list-it helps with differentiation ... ." (Business Today, October, 2006)
"Just received my copy of B2B Brand Management - what a beautiful piece of work! Thank you for this advancement to our practice! (Ralph A. Oliva, Executive Director, Institute for the Study of Business Markets Professor of Marketing, Smeal College of Business, Penn State University)
"Proliferation of similar products, increasing complexity of customer needs (moving from stand-alone products to solutions), and high price pressures will force b2b marketers to focus on brand building. If you are a b2b marketer already thinking along those lines, then this book is the weightiest corroboration you could have asked for." (TMCnet, October 2006)
"When it comes to marketing, there is no name bigger than Phillip Kotler. ... In this book, co-authored with ... Professor Waldemar Pfoertsch, Kotler makes a case for brand management in business-to-business (b2b) marketing as well. ... The core proposition in the book is that in the new globalized world 'being known' rather than 'being one of many' is the need of the hour. ... How does branding help in overcoming ... challenges? The authors offer a huge list-it helps with differentiation ... ." (Business Today, October, 2006)