As John Donne said, "no man is an island, entire of itself". Thus, throughout the history of our species we have lived in groups. Today, more than ever, people of the world are more conscious of their mutual interdependence and hence developing institutions that can fulfill this eager. Thus, the ubiquitous nature of groups, inevitability of being in them, and the social dynamics that exist within it makes it one of the most important factors in human history. In view of this, a way devised by some is a communal way of life characterized by sharing and dedication to one another of which Tsirha Tsion Communitarian Association (TTCA) is one part. In this anthropological study, an attempt has been made to reveal the upshot of a qualitative fieldwork conducted among TTCA located in Burayu area of Finfinne Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia. This association instituted a communal way of life based on the creeds and dogma of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. This book, therefore, examined Christians who nourish a spirit of fraternal community to hear and ponder the words of God, be one heart, one word, one life with the power of prayer and charitable deeds, living the apostolic way of life.