The book examines granting of bail in criminal litigations in the Common Law and Civil Law jurisdictions of Cameroon from a practice-based perspective of how bail is actually processed within the two legal systems of Cameroon. Statistics indicate that there is a disparity in the processing of bail in the Common Law and Civil Law jurisdictions of Cameroon despite the harmonization of the Criminal Procedure Code of 2005 and the Law on Judicial Organization of 2006 providing and enforcing bail in Cameroon. The key objective of the book is therefore to investigate why there exists this disparity within the two legal systems in Cameroon whereas the laws regulating bail is harmonized and of general application. Findings reveal that bail is processed in disparity within the two legal systems of Cameroon and that the process continues to face insurmountable challenges such as corruption, abuse of discretionary powers by the granting officers and gaps in the law.