Barbershop 2: Back in Business is a 2004 American comedy film directed by Kevin Rodney Sullivan, produced by State Street Pictures and released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer on February 6, 2004. A sequel to the 2002 movie Barbershop, also from State Street producing team Robert Teitel and George Tillman, Jr., Barbershop 2 deals with the impact of gentrification on the reputation and livelihood of a long- standing south Chicago barbershop. Ice Cube, Cedric the Entertainer, Sean Patrick Thomas, Eve, and several other actors reprise their roles from the first Barbershop film. However, a few of the original film's actors such as Tom Wright and Jazsmin Lewis return with smaller roles. Barbershop 2 also features what is billed as a "special appearance" by Queen Latifah, who starred in a spin-off, Beauty Shop which was released by MGM in early 2005.
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