It is the objective of this piece of literature to
provide a "de-emotionalized" overview over Basel II -
a topic located at the interface between
political / economic reality as well as the reality
of the financial institues, the Small- and Medium-
sized enterprises and the financial markets as such.
Furthermore Basel II will be presented as only one
element which is currently influencing the
financial / economic changes - changes which will
present Small- and Medium-sized enterprises as well
as banks and the political environment with the
challanging task of agreeing upon a joint approach
for establishing a proper environment to deal with
the upcoming challanges.
Of course - as in many economic questions - there is
not one single truth, not one single way forward.
However, the alternatives which do exist have to be
put on the table in order to initiate a proper
discussion, in order to allow for valid joint
decision taking by the involved parties and in order
to take the necessary steps forward.
provide a "de-emotionalized" overview over Basel II -
a topic located at the interface between
political / economic reality as well as the reality
of the financial institues, the Small- and Medium-
sized enterprises and the financial markets as such.
Furthermore Basel II will be presented as only one
element which is currently influencing the
financial / economic changes - changes which will
present Small- and Medium-sized enterprises as well
as banks and the political environment with the
challanging task of agreeing upon a joint approach
for establishing a proper environment to deal with
the upcoming challanges.
Of course - as in many economic questions - there is
not one single truth, not one single way forward.
However, the alternatives which do exist have to be
put on the table in order to initiate a proper
discussion, in order to allow for valid joint
decision taking by the involved parties and in order
to take the necessary steps forward.