ForewordI seek to show that words and prayers are all powerful in overcoming the obstacles of adult life.I will accompany each chapter with a reminder of a Bible passage and a reflection on what the Bible and prayer meditation has taught me, my mistakes and my sins.Bible study has helped me personally to grow and become better. While I persisted in my sins and tried to cover my mistakes by claiming that it was the fault of others, of the context, of chance, of the disease. I was in fact sinking into fault and personal misery. Renewing a personal relationship with GOD allowed me to finally move forward in my life and progress. To love myself with my spirit above all, more than with my flesh, and finally to find appeasement and answers to my vain angersThank you very much to Eric for his advice and the help he gave me to understand, to finally transmit, at the level of my skills, the biblical words and the commandments. And to reconnect with prayer and spiritual salvation.Vincent