The Battle of Savo Island, also known as the First Battle of Savo Island and, in Japanese sources, as the First Battle of the Solomon Sea, was a naval battle of the Pacific Campaign of World War II, between the Imperial Japanese Navy and Allied naval forces. It took place on August 8 9, 1942 and was the first major naval engagement of the Guadalcanal campaign. In response to Allied amphibious landings in the eastern Solomon Islands, Vice Admiral Gunichi Mikawa brought his task force of seven cruisers and one destroyer down New Georgia Sound (also known as "the Slot") to attack the Allied amphibious fleet and its screening force. The screen consisted of eight cruisers and fifteen destroyers under British Rear Admiral Victor Crutchley VC, but only five cruisers and seven destroyers were involved in the battle. Mikawa surprised and routed the Allied force, sinking one Australian and three American cruisers, while suffering only moderate damage in return