The Battle of the Chinese Farm was fought on October 15-16, 1973 as part of the Yom Kippur War's Operation Gazelle, the Israeli plan to strike the seam between the 2nd and 3rd Egyptian Armies holding the eastern bank of the Suez Canal, pushing the Egyptians back long enough to allow portable pontoon bridges to be assembled across the canal. Gen. Ariel Sharon's 143rd Armoured Division would then proceed across the bridges to move against the rear areas and supply lines of the 3rd Egyptian army. The battle's name comes from its location: an abandoned experimental agricultural station on the east bank of the Suez Canal covering nearly 15 square miles. During the 1950s the Egyptian government had founded the station to study the possibility of irrigating and growing crops in the arid soil of the Sinai. They dug deep and extensive irrigation ditches across the entire facility, and imported automated irrigation equipment from Japan.