Battlestar Galactica is a franchise of science fiction television series and films. The franchise started with a 1978 TV show created by Glen A. Larson, followed by a sequel TV series, a line of book adaptations, original novels, comic books and video games. A reimagined miniseries developed by Ronald D. Moore and David Eick aired in 2003, continuing with a regular television series aired from 2004 to 2009 and a prequel series to be aired in 2010. All of the Battlestar Galactica productions share the same premise: In a distant part of the universe, a civilization of humans lives on a series of planets known as the Twelve Colonies. In the past, the Colonies have been at war with a cybernetic race known as the Cylons. With the help of a human traitor named Baltar, the Cylons launch a sudden ambush on the Colonies, laying waste to the planets and devastating their populations. The human survivors flee into space aboard any spacecraft they can reach.