First published in 1997. Most work in gender studies has focused on women. This volume brings together various forms of gender theory, especially feminist and queer theory, to explore how men made cultures and culture made men, in the Middle Ages.
First published in 1997. Most work in gender studies has focused on women. This volume brings together various forms of gender theory, especially feminist and queer theory, to explore how men made cultures and culture made men, in the Middle Ages.
English and Human Sciences at George Washington University. His publications include Monster Theory:Reading Culture, Of Giants: Sex, Monsters, and the MiddleAges, and The Postcolonial Middle Ages.Bonnie Wheeler directs the Medieval Studies Program at Southern Methodist University. She is series editor of The NewMiddle Ages and edits the journal Arthuriana.
Becoming and Unbecoming Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Bonnie Wheeler
Body Doubles: Producing the Masculine Corpus D. Vance Smith
Becoming Christian, Becoming Male? Steven F. Kruger
Where the Boys Are: Children and Sex in the Anglo-Saxon Penitentials Allen J. Frantzen
Ironic Intertextuality and the Reader's Resistance to Heroic Masculinity in the Waltharius David Townsend
Abelard and (Re)writing the Male Body: Castration, Identity, and Remasculinization Martin Irvine
Origenary Fantasies: Abelard's Castration and Confession Bonnie Wheeler
Abelard's Blissful Castration Yves Ferroul
Eunuchs who Keep the Sabbath: Becoming Male and the Ascetic Ideal in Thirteenth-Century Jewish Mysticism Elliot R. Wolfson
Sharing Wine, Women, and Song: Masculine Identity Formation in the Medieval European Universities Ruth Mazo Karras
Wolf Man Leslie Dunton-Downer
Gowther Among the Dogs: Becoming Inhuman C. 1400 Jeffrey Jerome Cohen
Erotic Discipline...Or "Tee Hee, I like my boys to be girls": Inventing with the Body in Chaucer's Miller's Tale Glenn Burger
The Pardoner, Veiled and Unveiled Robert S. Sturges
Transvestite Knights in Medieval Life and Literature Ad Putter
The Vicious Guise: Effeminacy, Sodomy, and Mankind Garrett P. J. Epp
Outlaw Masculinities: Drag, Blackface, and Late Medieval Laboring-Class Festivities Claire Sponsler
Normative Heterosexuality in History and Theory: The Case of Sir David Lindsay of the Mount R. James Goldstein