2 Angebote ab € 79,30 €
  • Broschiertes Buch

"Beethoven's Ninth Symphony." (Text in German.) The "Ninth" belongs to those great works, whose immense popularity has caused the history of their adoption to be veiled in the fog of prejudice. This book brings light into the darkness of the Ninth's "afterlife" as well as into our conscious and subconscious attitudes to this work. The volume describes the contemporary discussion about this provocative work, its ideological adoption and the exciting history of its performances. Retouchings in the working scores of such famous conductors as Wagner, Mahler, Toscanini, Walter, Furtwaengler and…mehr

"Beethoven's Ninth Symphony." (Text in German.) The "Ninth" belongs to those great works, whose immense popularity has caused the history of their adoption to be veiled in the fog of prejudice. This book brings light into the darkness of the Ninth's "afterlife" as well as into our conscious and subconscious attitudes to this work. The volume describes the contemporary discussion about this provocative work, its ideological adoption and the exciting history of its performances. Retouchings in the working scores of such famous conductors as Wagner, Mahler, Toscanini, Walter, Furtwaengler and Schoenberg are treated - for the first time - as striking stations in a history of changing interpretations and are evaluated as such. Analytical digressions, as well as references to dance, architecture and the fine arts, underline the interdisciplinary character of this volume.Die "Neunte" gehört zu jenen Meisterwerken, deren Rezeptionsgeschichte gerade aufgrund ihrer ungeheuren Popularität vom Nebel der Vorurteile verschleiert ist. Dieses Buch bringt Licht in das Dunkel des "Nachlebens" der Neunten und in unserebewußten und unbewußten Rezeptionsweisen. Es schildert die zeitgenössische ästhetische Diskussion um ein provozierendes Werk, seine ideologische Rezeption und die spannende Aufführungsgeschichte. Dabei werden erstmals auch die Retuschen in den Arbeitspartituren so namhafter Dirigenten wie Wagner, Mahler, Toscanini, Walter, Furtwängler und Schönberg als markante Stationen des wechselhaften Interpretationsprozesses dargestellt und einer Wertung unterzogen. Analytische Exkurse, Querverweise zu Tanz, Architektur und bildender Kunst unterstreichen den interdisziplinären Charakter dieses Buches.