Before the Sun Goes Down unfolds the intricate saga of the Facey, Hutchinson, and Soames families, with a spotlight on the formidable Josephine Facey. Distanced by choice from her affluent, imposing relatives, Josephine, now a widowed elder, cherishes her peaceful existence in the serene landscapes of Cornwall. This tranquillity is abruptly disrupted when a letter from a distant relative unveils a staggering betrayal by her family, threatening the harmony of her secluded life. Shocked to her core, yet ignited by a fierce resolve, Josephine is propelled to rectify the injustices meted out against her. This mission is not solely for her own vindication but is driven by a deep desire to safeguard the future of her cherished granddaughter, Katy. As Katy stands on the precipice of a new life chapter, unlike her grandmother, she faces a world of possibilities. Before the Sun Goes Down is a captivating narrative of resilience, the quest for justice, and the enduring strength of familial bonds, set against the backdrop of the picturesque Cornish coast.
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