During our journey to become doctors, we have many challenges to face. Maybe one of the most feared is to face the inevitability of death. Is there anything that we can do when there s no chance to treat? Have you ever put yourself like if you are the one without the white jacket? Palliative Medicine is a specialty that challenges ourself as a doctors and as person. What happens when a 1st year resident, with no pratical experience, faces the end of life? Faces the most powerfull drugs in the most weak phase of life? learn so much and work with a interdisciplinary team? What about Palliative Medicine in non-terminal disease? With this book, I hope to share some experiences and bring your hearts and minds to Palliative Care, a different world that many of us never heard of, that give us so much more than we think. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed learning all that I learned.