Beneath the Starlight is a captivating romance, fantasy, and drama novel that follows Layla, a young woman who discovers an extraordinary ability to read the stars and foresee future events. As she delves deeper into her newfound power, Layla learns that her abilities are tied to an ancient prophecy that could either save or destroy the world. Torn between the demands of the prophecy and her growing love for Cassian, a mysterious man bound to the Star Council, Layla must confront an impossible choice: fulfill her destiny or sacrifice everything for love. As the celestial forces around her intensify, Layla faces a heartbreaking decision that will determine not only her future but the fate of the universe. With love, sacrifice, and a touch of magic, Beneath the Starlight is a journey of self-discovery, destiny, and the delicate balance between heart and duty. Will she choose love, or will destiny claim her?
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