Mandy Tröger is a Walter-Benjamin-Fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Her publications include: Monopolizing the Democratic Dream: The Struggle over a Free Press in East Germany 1989/1990, International Journal of Communication (2021); Digitaler Kapitalismus. Die Macht globaler Technologiekonzerne [Digital Capitalism: The Power of Global Tech Companies] (2021); Pressefrühling und Profit. Wie westdeutsche Verlage 1989/1990 den Osten eroberten [On the Rise and Death of Newspapers: How West German Newspaper Publishers Conquered the East in 1989/1990] (2019). Jörg Becker is Professor of Political Science at Marburg University, Germany. His latest book publications include: Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann zwischen NS-Ideologie und Konservatismus [Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann between NS: Ideology and Conservatism] (2013); Medien im Krieg - Krieg in den Medien [Media in War - War in Media] (2016) and Gustav Flohr: Noch ein Partisan! Ein Remscheider Kommunist, Klempner, Spanienkämpfer und Bürgermeister [Gustav Flohr: Another Partisan! A Communist, Plumber, Fighter in Spain and Major from Remscheid] (2020).
Introduction 1. History and Family Ownership 2. Bertelsmann Divisions and
Corporate Strategies 3. The Global Media Giant 4. The Bertelsmann
Foundation: 'Making Politics' Concluding Remarks: A Transnational
Information und Service Giant