Between Folk and Liturgy, the title of this collection, should not be understood to refer to some fixed point, some stable place between the two extremes of an illiterate and a literate culture. Rather, the title flags the wide and colourful spectrum of medieval dramatic possibility. Perhaps except one, none of the ten essays published here deal with a drama existing purely at either end of this scale. They add to our impression of the teaming fecundity and hybridism of early European drama, an impression that grows apace once we start to consider dramas situated "Between Folk and Liturgy". The geographical terrain that the essays traverse ranges from the British Isles in the west to Poland in the east. The suppleness of the approaches taken here is the minimum critical requirement of anyone wanting to do justice to so complex and multifold a phenomenon as is early European drama.
Table of contents:
Alan J. FLETCHER: Introduction. Konrad SCHOELL: Sur la Notion de Théâtre Populaire. Appliquée au Moyen Age. Jean-Claude AUBAILLY: Théâtre Médiéval et Fêtes Calendaires ou l'Histoire d'une Subversion. Alan E. KNIGHT: Magical Transformation: A Folk Tale Motif in the Farce. J. Charles PAYEN: Les Eléments Folkloriques dans le Théâtre d'Adam de la Halle. Herman BRAET: Désenchantement et Ironie Dramatique chez Adam de la Halle. Nicholas M. DAVIS: 'His Majesty shall have tribute of me': the King Game in England. Merle FIFIELD: Structural and Thematic Recurrence in Beunans Meriasek. Peter MEREDITH: 'The Bodley Burial and Resurrection': Late English Liturgical Drama? E. Catherine DUNN: Clerics and Juglaría: A Study in Medieval Attitudes. Eleonora UDALSKA: Le Drame Liturgique et le Mystère Médiéval en Pologne.
Table of contents:
Alan J. FLETCHER: Introduction. Konrad SCHOELL: Sur la Notion de Théâtre Populaire. Appliquée au Moyen Age. Jean-Claude AUBAILLY: Théâtre Médiéval et Fêtes Calendaires ou l'Histoire d'une Subversion. Alan E. KNIGHT: Magical Transformation: A Folk Tale Motif in the Farce. J. Charles PAYEN: Les Eléments Folkloriques dans le Théâtre d'Adam de la Halle. Herman BRAET: Désenchantement et Ironie Dramatique chez Adam de la Halle. Nicholas M. DAVIS: 'His Majesty shall have tribute of me': the King Game in England. Merle FIFIELD: Structural and Thematic Recurrence in Beunans Meriasek. Peter MEREDITH: 'The Bodley Burial and Resurrection': Late English Liturgical Drama? E. Catherine DUNN: Clerics and Juglaría: A Study in Medieval Attitudes. Eleonora UDALSKA: Le Drame Liturgique et le Mystère Médiéval en Pologne.