Insecticides are indispensable in modern agriculture allowing great strides in meeting global food demands. Their use in crop protection has overshadowed all other control measures. However, excessive and indiscriminate use of these insecticides has been associated with number of problems like presence of insecticide residues in food and food commodities, environment pollution, development of insect resistance and resurgence resulting in out break of secondary pests and killing of non-target species including mammals. Bifenthrin is a newly introduced type-1 pyrethoid which was first approved for use in UK in 1988. Though severe toxicity of pyrethoids has been uncommon in developed countries, it appears common in developing countries because of their extensive and intensive use for agriculture and domestic purposes. Pyrethoids are reported to generate free radicals through hydrolytic ester cleavage and oxidative pathways by the CYP-450 enzymes of liver. Evaluation of oxidative stress due to pyrethoid toxicity is limited in mammals.